Cully Pig Roast 2021 Has Been Canceled

You all know why we do the Cully Pig Roast?  Because we love our friends, our families and our community.  Oh, and we also love a good party where we can eat, drink and be merry, with some hugs and dancing along the way.  We also try to make Pig Roast an event that gives back to a larger community through supporting the Oregon Food Bank.  All things we were so looking forward to do again this year.  However, we cannot forge our wants with the current Covid-19 reality.  A reality that right now has the highest new case counts ever in Oregon, break through cases for vaccinated people and healthcare facilities stretched to their limits.  Therefore, we are canceling this year’s planned Cully Pig Roast. 

It breaks our hearts to do so, but one day of joy is not match for the potential of nights of sickness and dread. We are still seeking donations to the food bank and your generosity is one bright spot that can endure this year.  Please visit and give if you can.  The Pig Roast crew will match up to $1,000.00 of all funds raised.

We love you all and our community here and hope that next year’s Pig Roast will be epic.  Until that time, be good, be healthy and look out for one and another. 

Steve Owen
Helen Hierschbiel
Autumn Burns
Kristine Fuller
Marc Fuller
Andy Holland
Sarah Keirns
“Sweet” Jimmy Pfaff