It’s Almost Time!

The annual Cully Pig Roast is this Saturday! By the way, does anyone know where to get a whole pig on short notice? Asking for a friend.

This year’s menu includes:

  • Pulled pork (duh)
  • Chicken
  • Homemade smoked sausage
  • Mac and cheese
  • Baked beans
  • Kale salad
  • Corn
  • Potato chips and dip
  • Corn chips and salsa

Here are some tips to ensure everyone has a great time:

  1. Kids are welcome, but be aware we party like grown folks here in Cully. Alcohol will be consumed, f-bombs will be hurled and babies might be getting made. We’ll leave it up to parents to decide if this is an appropriate atmosphere for their children, but please remember little ones must be supervised!
  2. Speaking of alcohol, know your limit. Don’t act a fool and/or don’t drive under the influence. Taxis and Lyft are cheaper than a DUI. If necessary, bring a tent and camp out in Steve and Helen’s yard.
  3. Eat well, but please wait a bit before getting seconds. We want everyone to have a chance to have a plate.
  4. BRING A FOOD DONATION! Last year, we filled this Honda Fit until it tipped over. We’d like to fill an SUV this year, so give generously.

That’s it. See you this Saturday for the festivities.